💜 Happy International Women’s Day 💜
A day to celebrate women’s social, economical, cultural and political achievements and stresses gender equality.

At ISlow, we can’t let a day like today go unnoticed.
Just a few weeks from launching our project, we feel proud and grateful for the path we have travelled and all the experiences that came with it.

We can’t help reflect on how hard it must have been for those many other women that paved the way in which we walk today.

Originally, it was known as International Working Women’s Day. It started on March 8, 1875, when several hundred women from a textile factory in New York protested and demonstrated for wage inequality with respect to their male co-workers. The protests triggered a brutal police crackdown that ended up killing 120 of them.

Since then, there has been a lot of “WORK” put to get to where we are. More than 100 years of feminist struggle.

To all the women who work hard for their projects and life goals 🎉

👀 Stay tuned! ISlow coming soon! 🐌

#womensday2022 #womensdayeveryday
#islowcoliving #comingsoon #colivingrural #coworkingrural #colivingspace #coworkinglife
#laxe #acostadamorte